Price list

Price list

Holiday homes - kaszubska 27

Data Simple home Home with fireplace
Christmas/New Year's Eve PLN 650 per day* PLN 660 per day*
02.01-05.07 PLN  500 per day PLN  510 per day
05.07-23.08 PLN  650 per day PLN 660 per day
23.08- 30.08 PLN 550 per day PLN 560 per day
30.08-23.12 PLN 500 per day PLN 510 per day

Possibility of long-term rental outside the season - remote work - price to be agreed individually

*price for four people, each additional person PLN 50

Children up to 2 years old are free

Pet-friendly accommodation – PLN 30 per day

The price includes sojourn tax and utility fees


Stratus Apartment Cumulus Apartment
31.05 - 05.07 PLN 550 per night* PLN 500 per night*
05.07 - 30.08 PLN 600 per night* PLN 550 per night*

*price for four people, each additional person PLN 50

Children up to 2 years old are free

Pet-friendly accommodation – PLN 30 per day

The price includes sojourn tax and utility fees

New Houses - Ks. Zawiszewskiego 17

Dom Pinus Dom Rubus i Betula
Christmas / New Year's Eve PLN 1150 per day* PLN 700 per day*
02.01 - 05.07 PLN 950 per day* PLN 550 per day*
05.07 - 23.08 PLN 1150 per day PLN 700 per day
23.08 - 30.08 PLN 1000 per day PLN 600 per day
30.08 - 23.12 PLN 950 per day PLN 550 per day

Possibility of long-term rental outside the season – remote work – price to be agreed individually

*price for four people, each additional person PLN 50

Children up to 2 years old are free

Pet-friendly accommodation – PLN 30 per day

The price includes sojourn tax and utility fees